Title: A Rat's life Author: Kindli Fandoms: X-Files/Highlander (Do I write anything else??) Pairing: Mulder/Cory Raines, Mulder/Krycek UST Rating: NC-17-- Slash Spoilers: To be on the safe side, I'd say little ones for just about all Krycek eps. Disclaimers: X-Files belongs to Chris Carter, Fox and 1013 Productions-- Highlander is the property of Panzer/Davis Productions. Oh, and the idea of starting with Alex in hell and being turned into a rat was conceived from a story called Ratboy, written by Fleur. It can be found on RatB. The rest of the story is mine though. Summary: This is a definite AU. Alex is changed into a rat, and discovers things are not as they appear. Feedback: kindli27@hotmail.com Archive: Just let me know where. I'd like to visit. Notes: This is way AU, and does not follow canon, obviously. Please let me know if you liked it or not. ======================================================================== A Rat's Life ********** Alex Krycek was in hell-- or a well-replicated version of it. He sat struggling, bound to a chair. His head snapped up as a door opened, and he glared at the shadowy figure entering. "Alex Krycek. I'll be damned if I can understand why, but you've been given a reprieve." The bald man's slanted eyes crinkled at the edges as he realized his own joke and laughed. "Oh, what am I saying? I am damned aren't I? Of course, there's a twist to your release, but I'm sure you'll meet it with your usual aplomb. Heh-heh." Nervously, Alex twitched in his bonds. Trying to sound threatening, he growled. "What's going on?" The demon's eyes glowed red and practically burned a hole into Alex's soul. His brow wrinkled and his feral smile had Alex swallowing hard. "You have been annoying the guardians of a certain Fox Mulder for some time now, but since you are important to his future, they can't demand your death. Instead, they've devised a punishment for you. You will become his pet." The man's laughter reverberated against the walls of the tiny room. Alex's eyes swung desperately around the cell, searching for an escape, but there was no door, no escape. The walls were blood red and a death black carpet lay beneath his feet. He realized he was naked only when the heated air mysteriously chilled his body to the bone. "What do you mean, 'pet'?" he croaked, struggling harder to free himself from the ropes that bound him to the hard wood chair. "You've been called a rat for the past 5 years. Let's see how you fare as a real one." At Alex's vehement protests, he raised his hand warningly and added, "Be grateful Mulder has been conditioned to accept you into his home in such a form. You will be freed when the guardians have been appeased. I advise you accept every humiliation you suffer without biting anyone, if you ever want to become human again." With a cackle he disappeared in a bright flash of light. Krycek blinked and quickly realized, upon opening his eyes, that he was no longer bound to a chair. As he looked around, he was unnerved at how large everything appeared to be. Something white lingered at the corner of his eye and when he glanced down to investigate, he saw a pair of fuzzy white paws. His -own- fuzzy white paws, he realized, as he flexed the tiny claws experimentally. //That must be some drug they put me on.// Suddenly the floor beneath him began to shake and he scurried out of the way as two huge feet approached the door. He glanced up nervously-- hating that he always had to look up at people. Why could he never be in control? It was so unfair, he fumed silently, that he always had to work under someone. He huddled against the wall, hoping he wouldn't be noticed, but had no such luck. He sensed before he saw the huge form kneeling down. It was Mulder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What have we here?" Mulder crouched to get a better look at the small creature. He was no great fan of animals, but something drew his attention to this rodent. "There are cats on this floor, little one. How did you get up here?" He spoke softly as he reached out a hand cautiously, wondering if the animal was tame. There was a 50/50 chance that the little rat was either someone's pet, or some snake's missing meal. ----Alex flinched inwardly, but didn't run when Mulder reached for him. A hand was placed just in front of him, flat and still, and he found himself cautiously stepping into the palm.---- //Definitely a pet.// Mulder caressed the soft white fur gently, moving the creature to his shoulder. The rat seemed content to perch there as he moved to unlock his door. Once inside, he walked to the kitchen. Unscrewing the lid from a pickle jar, he used it as a water dish for his temporary new house guest, and fed it a few sunflower seeds. He gave the mammal free reign of the apartment, subconsciously hoping it might decide to disappear. Thereby absolving him of responsibility, without making him feel guilty. But the rat sat near him on the back side of the couch while he watched tv, sleeping beside him as well. When Mulder realized the animal seemed to have attached itself to him, he decided to take it with him to work. "Another Mulder quirk," he muttered to himself as he stepped into the elevator. He walked into his office to see Scully already waiting for him. When she saw the rat, she gave Mulder one of 'those' looks. "What are you doing with a rat, Mulder? Isn't one in your life enough?" ----Alex realized she was talking about his human half and he squeaked indignantly.---- Mulder chuckled, annoying Alex further. "This one is better trained, Scully. I found him last night outside my apartment. He's very tame." He caressed the small animal as he spoke. Tentatively, she reached out a hand to the rodent, and watched as it reacted in a curious manner. At first she thought its tiny white teeth would latch onto her fingers. But then it went docile, lowering its head to let her pet it. "He has green eyes." She noticed suddenly. "Does he?" Mulder was color-blind. Scully nodded. "So, are you planning to donate him to the lab? I hope?" She kept a speculative eye on the rat. Something wasn't right, but she couldn't figure out what it could be. It was if the rat could understand her, she thought with some confusion as the suspicious little thing moved closer to Mulder's neck, staring at her nervously. She didn't recall rats being so expressive. "Be nice." Mulder scolded, teasing. "He can be an X-Files mascot. How many rats have green eyes?" Scully could see that Mulder had already become attached to the 'thing'. //I suppose it's better then a parrot. Besides, it'll provide much needed companionship.// "Then he needs a name." Mulder hadn't thought of that. "For what? He'll never know the difference." "Mulder, all creatures need names. It's psychological. You being his main source of companionship; he'll need you to relate with him, to identify with him. A name. You could name him Alex, in honor of his namesake." She kept her eye on the animal as she spoke. The rat's eyes narrowed at her. "If Alex ever found out, he'd kill me." Mulder shook his head. "I'm not that suicidal." "If he kills you, I'll kill him." Mulder snorted. "Thanks, it would do a lot of good once I was dead." Scully forced herself not to respond. Instead, she suggested, "Lexi?" When Mulder shrugged, the rat was almost thrown to the floor. "Alright. Lexi it is. But if Krycek makes the connection, he's your pet." Scully smiled, unnerving the rat. "Fine by me." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~